implode.dll not found
(too old to reply)
2006-10-02 11:53:38 UTC
in some client computers (Xp running) i get the error implode.dll not
While packing the project i had already made the implode.dll location
from app.path to winsys.path.
Still error is comming while trying to open the report(crystal.ocx not
Please suggest a way to overcome this.
2006-10-02 19:00:34 UTC
Post by jas
in some client computers (Xp running) i get the error implode.dll not
While packing the project i had already made the implode.dll location
from app.path to winsys.path.
Still error is comming while trying to open the report(crystal.ocx not
Please suggest a way to overcome this.
Have you created an installation package for your app which includes all
necessary Crystal Reports files and properly installs them?

What version of Crystal Reports are you using? With more recent versions (10
and 11, I believe), there are merge modules you can use in a Windows
Installer package that will "automatically" install the proper files.
2006-10-04 12:07:37 UTC
I am using 7 th version of Crystal Reports .
My installation packageincludes all
necessary Crystal Reports files .
One more error i am getting is mfc42.dll file in use.
I usually ignore this error ?
Is there any way to completely avoid this error ?

Post by MikeD
Post by jas
in some client computers (Xp running) i get the error implode.dll not
While packing the project i had already made the implode.dll location
from app.path to winsys.path.
Still error is comming while trying to open the report(crystal.ocx not
Please suggest a way to overcome this.
Have you created an installation package for your app which includes all
necessary Crystal Reports files and properly installs them?
What version of Crystal Reports are you using? With more recent versions (10
and 11, I believe), there are merge modules you can use in a Windows
Installer package that will "automatically" install the proper files.
Pedro CR
2006-10-16 03:38:32 UTC
mfc42.dll should NEVER be redistributed/installed.
That is a windows component. not crystal reports component.

Anyway, check to see if you have selected DllSelfRegister for all the DLLs
and OCX and make sure that the implode.dll is inside the CAB file.
Post by jas
I am using 7 th version of Crystal Reports .
My installation packageincludes all
necessary Crystal Reports files .
One more error i am getting is mfc42.dll file in use.
I usually ignore this error ?
Is there any way to completely avoid this error ?
Post by MikeD
Post by jas
in some client computers (Xp running) i get the error implode.dll not
While packing the project i had already made the implode.dll location
from app.path to winsys.path.
Still error is comming while trying to open the report(crystal.ocx not
Please suggest a way to overcome this.
Have you created an installation package for your app which includes all
necessary Crystal Reports files and properly installs them?
What version of Crystal Reports are you using? With more recent versions (10
and 11, I believe), there are merge modules you can use in a Windows
Installer package that will "automatically" install the proper files.